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part of DOK FIlm, Der Schlaf - des Todes kleiner Bruder von Stefan Wolner

schlafjodeln am Stefansplatz 2023, (Fotos: Daniel Nuderscher)


Vocal Naps is a collaboration, founded in 2016 with
Monika Rabofsky, Hartwig Hermann, Regina Hügli, Nicole Krenn, Dominik Krenn, Patricia Bustos, Karin Diaz, Fred Riegler

Vocal Naps is a format in which the protagonists variously connect short naps in unusual public spaces with vocal experiments, currently basedprimarily on yodeling. The dramaturgical plot is reduced to a minimum. In interaction with the performance environment, site-specific sound installations of a performative character emerge. Sleeping and yodeling – two parameters that on the surface seem to have no logically arguable connection to each other – are brought into an absurd relationship with each other. This opens up a new perceptual space, within which they can be experienced and even connoted by means of completely new contextualization, despite their associations that are linked by cultural evidence. A grotesque space of experience emerges thatcalls for feelings to be given free rein in order to manifest a new perceptual state in relation to a reality based on the dream world.



VOCAL NAPS LUNGENGAU, Supergaufestival 2023 (Fotos: Christian Prinz)

Idea: Anne Glassner
Concept: Anne Glassner, Nicole Krenn, Monika Rabofsky




Vocal Naps, Stefansplatz (ORF DOKU, Der Schlaf -des Todes kleiner Bruder, von Stefan Wolner)

Vocal Naps Lungengau, Supergaufestival 2023, Tamsweg

Bachmannkuppel, Gerhard Fresacher - gemeinsam mit Robert Misik, Karlsplatz


Vocal Naps Sleep Over, Traklhaus Salzburg, Lange Nacht der Museen Salzburg


Kabinett der Erschöpfung, WUK, Inszenierung: Otmar Wagner

2020 Flow III, Wasserbiennale Fürstenfeld


Krank in Europa, Konzertperformance mit Othmar Wagner, WUK Wien

 Pyjama Party, AA Collections, Wien


Vocal Naps IX Eikes Boot, Kunsthalle Max Böhme, Niedernondorf,

Vocal Naps VIII Sleep Easy, Irreality TV, Kino Sandleiten, Soho Ottakring, Wien (Kinofilm: 19.10.2018, Stadtkino Wien)

Vocal Naps VII, Peformancebrunch REAL, Volkskundemuseum, Wien

Vocal Naps VI, Flow, Was aufsteigt und niederfließt, Wasserturm Wien


Vocal Naps V, Kulmination, Museumsquartier Wien

Vocal Naps IV, In der Kubatur des Kabinetts, Fluc Kunstsalon, Wien, 

Vocal Naps III, Town Heart Mother, Inszenierung: Gerhard Fresacher, Garage X, Wien

Vocal Naps II, Ach jodel mir noch einen, Schikanederkino, Raw Matters Performanceabend, Wien

2016 Vocal Naps I, Leben in der Wand, 21er Haus, Wien