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Vocal Naps

Coming up:

Vocal Naps Lungen-gau (Supergaufestival im Lungau, Mai/Juni 2023

Vocal Naps - Superbar, Lange Nacht der Museen, Traklhaus  Salzburg, Okt 2022


Idea: Anne Glassner
Concept: Anne Glassner, Nicole Krenn, Monika Rabofsky

Vocal Naps is a collaboration, founded in 2016 with
Monika Rabofsky, Hartwig Hermann, Regina Hügli, Nicole Krenn, Dominik Krenn, Patricia Bustos, Karin Diaz, Fred Riegler

Vocal Naps is a format in which the protagonists variously connect short naps in unusual public spaces with vocal experiments, currently basedprimarily on yodeling. The dramaturgical plot is reduced to a minimum. In interaction with the performance environment, site-specific sound installations of a performative character emerge. Sleeping and yodeling – two parameters that on the surface seem to have no logically arguable connection to each other – are brought into an absurd relationship with each other. This opens up a new perceptual space, within which they can be experienced and even connoted by means of completely new contextualization, despite their associations that are linked by cultural evidence. A grotesque space of experience emerges thatcalls for feelings to be given free rein in order to manifest a new perceptual state in relation to a reality based on the dream world.



2021 Kabinett der Erschöpfung, WUK, Inszenierung: Otmar Wagner/ 2020 Flow III, Wasserbiennale Fürstenfeld / 2019 Krank in Europa, Konzertperformance mit Othmar Wagner, WUK Wien, Pyjama Party, AA Collections, Wien / 2018 Vocal Naps IX Eikes Boot, Kunsthalle Max Böhme, Niedernondorf, NÖ Vocal Naps VIII Sleep Easy, Irreality TV, Kino Sandleiten, Soho Ottakring, Wien (Kinofilm: 19.10.2018, Stadtkino Wien) Vocal Naps VII, Peformancebrunch REAL, Volkskundemuseum, Wien Vocal Naps VI, Flow, Was aufsteigt und niederfließt, Wasserturm Wien/  2017 Vocal Naps V, Kulmination, Museumsquartier Wien Vocal Naps IV, In der Kubatur des Kabinetts, mit Gernot Fischer-Kondtratovich und Alfred Lenz, Fluc Kunstsalon, Wien, Vocal Naps III, Town Heart Mother, Inszenierung: Gerhard Fresacher, Garage X, Wien, Vocal Naps II, Ach jodel mir noch einen, Schikanederkino, Raw Matters Performanceabend, Wien/ 2016 Vocal Naps I, Leben in der Wand, 21er Haus, Wien